creates valid token, if user credentials are valid
returns token
returns error
creates valid token, if user credentials are valid
returns token
returns error
create new User Account
data {
if requested username already exists it will get added '-' plus next free number example: username meier becomes meier-5 if you don't enter anything a username will be created based on current time If you use a system where the client domains (e.g. are shown with the username, you don't have to care for that. Internally all usernames have '@' plus the client domain added;
returns username, password, account_id
returns error
delete single Account
returns deleted: True
returns error
get Account Details
returns array (
returns error
get URL for autologin for the current location configuration
contains one or more of the following variables to be replaced:
%u for username
%p for password
%l for location_id
%t for token
returns url including parameters
returns ''
get all or specific default values
returns default values (
returns error
get Logo
returns logo
returns error
get note to be printed on ticket before user credentials
returns note
returns error
get all or specific default values
returns tariff_id TODO: returns tariff properties
returns error
logout and delete token
returns logout: True or False
returns error
shows if a specific user is online or offline
returns online: True or False
returns online: False
resets status and validity of inactive / deleted account
returns array of username and password
returns error
set specific default values
data {
returns array of default values
options array (
returns error