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en:syces:frontend:account:group [2014/07/28 09:10]
co created
en:syces:frontend:account:group [2014/07/28 11:47] (current)
co [Group Overview]
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 {{indexmenu>en:syces:frontend:account#1|js#drktheme navbar msort}} {{indexmenu>en:syces:frontend:account#1|js#drktheme navbar msort}}
 ====== Group Module ====== ====== Group Module ======
 +===== Group Overview =====
 +You get an overview of existing groups, the number of members and the number of pending actions.
 +  * You can create new groups by clicking on the 'New Group' link.
 +  * You can edit groups (name and info) by clicking on the group name.
 +  * Existing groups that don't have members can be deleted by clicking on the delete icon. When it is not visible, pending actions and / or existing members need to be deleted first.
 +  * To enter the Group member module just click on the corresponding link of the group members column (0 or number of group members)
 +  * To enter the Group action module just click on the corresponding link of the group actions column (0 or number of actions). This option is not available when there are no group members.
QR Code
QR Code Group Module (generated for current page)