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en:syces:frontend:tariff [2014/03/31 10:31]
muh [Module Overview]
en:syces:frontend:tariff [2014/03/31 11:15] (current)
muh [Module Overview]
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 At least one tariff is required, but you may create as many tariffs as you need. Either allow unlimited access to the Internet or restrict it by any combination of runtime (Time Duration) and capacity (Amount Of Data) limits.  At least one tariff is required, but you may create as many tariffs as you need. Either allow unlimited access to the Internet or restrict it by any combination of runtime (Time Duration) and capacity (Amount Of Data) limits. 
-It is your choice whether you offer free service or how much you charge. +It is your choice whether you offer free service or how much you charge. You may allow tariffs for certain locations only.
- +
-  * You may allow tariffs for certain locations only.+
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