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en:syces:selfserviceportal:custom_templates [2014/06/03 11:47]
en:syces:selfserviceportal:custom_templates [2016/09/27 13:00] (current)
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-There are types of custom templates:  +There are types of custom templates:
-  * those that use the normal Template (hotspot.tpl) and its functionalities, but has its own layout +
-  * those that may provide even more flexibility and also supply the complete functionality for the sending of the required forms+
-Whereas the first type can be used for all kinds of walled garden registration methods, the second type is only valid for a specific registration method. Internally we distinguish between+  * **index.html**: for the walled garden option "static web pages" that has no self service functionality you may provide any index.html page that will be uploaded to your hotspot location; if you need to reference pictures (.jpg, .gif, .png) or css-files you need to prepend the name with the {PATH} variable 
 +  * **hotspot.tpl**: for all other walled garden options you can use the normal Template (hotspot.tpl) to make use of all its functionalities, but with your own layout 
 +  * **custom_anonym.tpl**: if you need even more flexibility you may supply the complete functionality for the sending of the required forms 
 +Whereas the hotspot.tpl can be used for all kinds of walled garden registration methods, the third type is only valid for a specific registration method. Internally we distinguish between
   * custom_oneclick.tpl   * custom_oneclick.tpl
   * custom_paypal.tpl   * custom_paypal.tpl
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 At the moment we only support custom_anonym.tpl. At the moment we only support custom_anonym.tpl.
 +  * **custom_token.tpl**: As of version 1.32.3 we also support token based authentication, i.e. we provide links in SMS and emails and QR Codes on bon printer printouts that contain information about user credentials to faciliate authentication. In all cases where Terms And Conditions have to be accepted first, you may provide a custom_token.tpl instead of the standard template containing only a link to your Terms And conditions.
 ===== Process for the installing of custom templates ===== ===== Process for the installing of custom templates =====
Line 41: Line 46:
 {LOGINTITLE}: title for Login form\\ {LOGINTITLE}: title for Login form\\
 {REGISTERTITLE} title for registration form\\ {REGISTERTITLE} title for registration form\\
 +{AGB}: link to agb.html, a file containing your Terms and Conditions; you may have agb.html files for different locations and different languages. Please check what the [[en:syces:frontend:location:uploadmanager#directory_structure_for_terms_and_conditions| Directory Structure for 'Terms and Conditions']] implies.
 Any files you use (images, CSS etc.) should have a {TPLDIR} as a prefix to get the right path to your template folder, e.g. <img src="{TPLDIR}yourimage.jpg">. Any files you use (images, CSS etc.) should have a {TPLDIR} as a prefix to get the right path to your template folder, e.g. <img src="{TPLDIR}yourimage.jpg">.
-If you want to offer templates in several languages you must create one subfolder for each language and place the templates in the subfolders: {TPLDIR}<language>/. The language shortcuts are small letters as of ISO 3166, eg. de,en,it..+If you want to offer templates in several languages you must create one subfolder for each language and place the templates in the subfolders: {TPLDIR}<language>/. The language shortcuts are small letters as of ISO 3166, eg. de,en,it.
-Send a zip file containing all required files like images, the template and the css-file to the hotline. If you have more than one location please tell whether your layout should be valid only for a certain location. Else it will be used for all locations. +For uploading your files please use the [[en:syces:frontend:location:uploadmanager|Upload Manager]] . An explanation to where to place your files you'll find there.
- +
-Synergysystems then does some basic security and functionality checks, renames the template if necessary (either hotspot.tpl or custom_anonym.tpl) and uploads them in the appropriate custom directory.+
 To finally activate the custom template you have to choose "Custom Layout" for all locations concerned (Admin Frontend, Location, Walled Garden Options). This can be reset to default layout any time. To finally activate the custom template you have to choose "Custom Layout" for all locations concerned (Admin Frontend, Location, Walled Garden Options). This can be reset to default layout any time.
Line 112: Line 116:
 ===== custom_anonym.tpl (minimum requirements)  ===== ===== custom_anonym.tpl (minimum requirements)  =====
-This template can be used for the most flexible custom layout. You need to provide a form with a field named "reg_accept" and a hidden field "state". Please ensure that the form is sent only after accepting the "Terms and conditions". You may add any html, css, javascript that you need. This type of template without {login} and {register} can be used only for the registration type "anonymous login". +This template can be used for the most flexible custom layout. You need to provide a form with a field named "reg_accept" and a hidden field "state". Please ensure that the form is sent only after accepting the "Terms and conditions". You may add any html, css, javascript that you need. This type of template without {register} can be used only for the registration type "anonymous login"
 <code> <code>
Line 133: Line 136:
  </body>  </body>
  <!-- END BODY -->  <!-- END BODY -->
 +Please be aware that any template variables need to be placed within either the head or the body section. The example above needs at least one more template variable e.g. {DATE} within the body section in order to get the body section displayed.
 +Else use the following code if you only have the {LOGIN} variable:
 + <!-- BEGIN HEAD -->
 + <head>
 + </head>
 + <!-- END HEAD -->
 + <body onload="init();">
 +             <!-- BEGIN BODY -->
 +                  {LOGIN}
 +             <!-- END BODY -->
 +      <form>
 +                   <input  name="reg_accept" type="checkbox"/>
 +                   <input name="state" type="hidden" value="ay" />
 +                   <input id="sb" type="submit" />
 +             </form>
 + </body>
 </html> </html>
 </code> </code>
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-===== How to install user provided custom templates (done by Synergysystems)  =====+===== How to install user provided custom templates (done by Synergy Systems GmbH)  =====
-Please log in for more information.+You need to be logged in to see this information.
 <nodisp> <nodisp>
 We should always test on our development system before installing on the live system. When everything is okay we can copy the whole testfolder contents to the custom folder on the live system. This is either We should always test on our development system before installing on the live system. When everything is okay we can copy the whole testfolder contents to the custom folder on the live system. This is either
QR Code
QR Code Custom Templates (not for Default Free Service) (generated for current page)