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en:syces:selfserviceportal:custom_templates [2016/09/27 09:32]
en:syces:selfserviceportal:custom_templates [2016/09/27 13:00] (current)
Line 46: Line 46:
 {LOGINTITLE}: title for Login form\\ {LOGINTITLE}: title for Login form\\
 {REGISTERTITLE} title for registration form\\ {REGISTERTITLE} title for registration form\\
-{AGB}: link to agb.html, a file containing your Terms and Conditions; you may have agb.html files for different locations and different languages. Please check what the [[en:syces:frontend:location:uploadmanager:directory_structure_for_terms_and_conditions| Directory Structure for 'Terms and Conditions']] implies.+{AGB}: link to agb.html, a file containing your Terms and Conditions; you may have agb.html files for different locations and different languages. Please check what the [[en:syces:frontend:location:uploadmanager#directory_structure_for_terms_and_conditions| Directory Structure for 'Terms and Conditions']] implies.
 Any files you use (images, CSS etc.) should have a {TPLDIR} as a prefix to get the right path to your template folder, e.g. <img src="{TPLDIR}yourimage.jpg">. Any files you use (images, CSS etc.) should have a {TPLDIR} as a prefix to get the right path to your template folder, e.g. <img src="{TPLDIR}yourimage.jpg">.
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