Table of Contents

Custom Templates (not for Default Free Service)

Types of custom templates

There are 4 types of custom templates:

Whereas the hotspot.tpl can be used for all kinds of walled garden registration methods, the third type is only valid for a specific registration method. Internally we distinguish between

At the moment we only support custom_anonym.tpl.

Process for the installing of custom templates

You need to create a template (use one of the examples below) and edit it according to your needs. Choose .html instead of .tpl if the file cannot be edited.

Certain elements may not be removed:

  1. the 4 lines of comment, <!– BEGIN HEAD –> etc.
  2. the template variable {SCRIPTS} in the head part
  3. the body tag containing the onload-function-call <body onload=“init();”>
  4. the template variables {LOGIN} and {REGISTER}

You may add text, html, css. Of course you can use an existing html and just add the required elements. There are some extra template variables that you may use, if you want:

{TITLE} : default title
{CSS} : link to a stylesheet called ticketstyle.css
if you name your stylesheet ticketstyle.css it will be found by this variable, but of course you may add other stylesheets or use another name
{DATE} : current date / time
{VERSION}: Software Version
{LANGSWITCH}: language links (div id=“langswitch”)
{LOGO} : not used currently
{ERROR} : display of error and status messages
{LOGINTITLE}: title for Login form
{REGISTERTITLE} title for registration form
{AGB}: link to agb.html, a file containing your Terms and Conditions; you may have agb.html files for different locations and different languages. Please check what the Directory Structure for 'Terms and Conditions' implies.

Any files you use (images, CSS etc.) should have a {TPLDIR} as a prefix to get the right path to your template folder, e.g. <img src=“{TPLDIR}yourimage.jpg”>.

If you want to offer templates in several languages you must create one subfolder for each language and place the templates in the subfolders: {TPLDIR}<language>/. The language shortcuts are small letters as of ISO 3166, eg. de,en,it.

For uploading your files please use the Upload Manager . An explanation to where to place your files you'll find there.

To finally activate the custom template you have to choose “Custom Layout” for all locations concerned (Admin Frontend, Location, Walled Garden Options). This can be reset to default layout any time.

hotspot.tpl (default)

This is the template currently used for the default layout. Anything in brackets {} will be replaced by real values.

	<!-- BEGIN HEAD -->
		<meta name="author" content="Synergy Systems GmbH">
		<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
    	        <link rel="shortcut icon" type="image/x-icon" href="{THEMEDIR}/favicon.ico">
		<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, user-scalable=yes">
	<!-- END HEAD -->
	<!-- BEGIN BODY -->
		<body onload="init();">
			<div id = "container">
			<div id ="welcome">HotSpot</div>
			<div id ="dateversion">{DATE} Version {VERSION} </div> {LANGSWITCH}				
				<div id = "logo">{LOGO}</div>
				<div id = "errorbox" >{ERROR}</div>
				<div id = "login">
					<p class="title">{LOGINTITLE}</p>
				<div id = "register">
					<p class="title">{REGISTERTITLE}</p>
	<!-- END BODY -->

basic template (minimum requirements)

	<!-- BEGIN HEAD -->
	<!-- END HEAD -->
	<!-- BEGIN BODY -->
		<body onload="init();">
	<!-- END BODY -->

custom_anonym.tpl (minimum requirements)

This template can be used for the most flexible custom layout. You need to provide a form with a field named “reg_accept” and a hidden field “state”. Please ensure that the form is sent only after accepting the “Terms and conditions”. You may add any html, css, javascript that you need. This type of template without {register} can be used only for the registration type “anonymous login”.

	<!-- BEGIN HEAD -->
	<!-- END HEAD -->
	<!-- BEGIN BODY -->
		<body onload="init();">
                       <input  name="reg_accept" type="checkbox"/>
                       <input name="state" type="hidden" value="ay" />
                       <input id="sb" type="submit" />
	<!-- END BODY -->

Please be aware that any template variables need to be placed within either the head or the body section. The example above needs at least one more template variable e.g. {DATE} within the body section in order to get the body section displayed. Else use the following code if you only have the {LOGIN} variable:

	<!-- BEGIN HEAD -->
	<!-- END HEAD -->
	<body onload="init();">

             <!-- BEGIN BODY -->
             <!-- END BODY -->
                   <input  name="reg_accept" type="checkbox"/>
                   <input name="state" type="hidden" value="ay" />
                   <input id="sb" type="submit" />

css example

This is an example of a very basic CSS file. You may adapt it to your needs, e.g. add media queries to make it responsive, add your own styles add your own images and so on.

/* ticketstyle.css very simple */

body  {padding:0; margin:0; border:0;width:100%; font-size:0.8em;
height:100%; text-align:center; background:transparent;font-family:Verdana, Arial, Helvetica;color:#000;}

	width: 100%; 
	height: 100%;
	text-align: center;

	margin:0 0em 1em 0em ;

/* styles for non-default Pear Quickform */

#register, #login
	margin-top: 1em;
	margin-bottom: 1em;
    padding:1em 2em 2em 2em;
    width: 30em;
    border: 1px solid gray;
ol, ul {list-style: none;}
table {border-collapse: collapse;border-spacing: 0;}


How to install user provided custom templates (done by Synergy Systems GmbH)

You need to be logged in to see this information. <nodisp> We should always test on our development system before installing on the live system. When everything is okay we can copy the whole testfolder contents to the custom folder on the live system. This is either /var/www/html/syces/custom/mandantid/captiveportal or a subfolder to this.

Possible subfolder structure to /var/www/html/syces/custom/<mandantid>/captiveportal:




It may be necessary to add a .htaccess file to the captiveportal folder, e.g. when there is a download link to a terms-and-condition.pdf, because the download of csv und pdf files in the syces/custom folder is prohibited to prevent the illicit download of user credentials.


  1. copy the unzipped files into the captiveportal test folder, this is currently custom/27/captiveportal for bintec-elmeg
  2. rename the template file to hotspot.tpl (check against minimum requirements) or custom_xx.tpl (also check form field names, add hidden vars..), depending on the type of custom template
  3. control all paths, add {TPLDIR} whereever necessary
  4. change rights e.g. for pictures if necessary
  5. try to register and to login using the custom template (change layout to custom, choose correct registration type)
  6. if autologin fails it is probably, because {LOGIN} is missing
  7. move files to appropriate custom folder on live system, create .htaccess for this folder if necessary
  8. test at least the display (in location open new tab using walled garden link)

Example .htaccess:

<FilesMatch "\.(pdf)$">
   Order Allow,Deny
   Allow from All
