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en:syces:api_hidden:rpcs [2016/08/23 13:53]
en:syces:api_hidden:rpcs [2016/09/21 12:38] (current)
Line 146: Line 146:
 == required == == required ==
   * token as provided by authenticate-method   * token as provided by authenticate-method
 +== optional ==
   * location_id (0 = all locations)   * location_id (0 = all locations)
-== optional == + 
-options array ( +== on Success == 
-  * tariff_id +returns default values 
-  * valid_days_from_creation+(
   * realm   * realm
   * password_length   * password_length
   * password_type (number, letters, alphanumeric, mixed)   * password_type (number, letters, alphanumeric, mixed)
 +  * valid_days
 +  * tariff_id
 +  * username_type (default for empty usernames: numeric or dateTime)
 ) )
-== on Success == 
-return all or requested default values 
 == on Failure == == on Failure ==
Line 273: Line 274:
-===== TODO: setDefaults =====+===== setDefaults =====
 set specific default values set specific default values
Line 279: Line 280:
 == required == == required ==
   * token as provided by authenticate-method   * token as provided by authenticate-method
-  * location_id (0 for all locations)+
 == optional == == optional ==
 +  * location_id (0 for all locations)
 +data { 
   * tariff_id    * tariff_id 
-  * valid_days (0 = unlimited, maximum 365)  +  * username_type ('numeric' or 'dateTime')  
 == on Success == == on Success ==
 returns array of default values returns array of default values
 +options array (
 +  * realm
 +  * password_length
 +  * password_type (number, letters, alphanumeric, mixed)
 +  * valid_days
 +  * tariff_id
 +  * username_type (default for empty usernames: numeric or dateTime)
 == on Failure == == on Failure ==
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