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en:syces:api_hidden [2015/08/05 09:29]
en:syces:api_hidden [2016/09/13 09:31] (current)
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 ====== SyCes API ====== ====== SyCes API ======
 +=== Requirements ===
 +Only regular clients can use the API. Furthermore you require an api-key. We will also store a default tariff and the default type of username if you specify them.
 === Protocol === === Protocol ===
-Our SyCes-API uses the JSON-RPC protocol, version 2.0.+Our  [[en:syces:api_hidden:rpcs| SyCes-API]]  uses the JSON-RPC protocol, version 2.0.
 JSON-RPC (JavaScript Object Notation Remote Procedure Call) is a simple remote procedure call protocol encoded in JSON. JSON-RPC (JavaScript Object Notation Remote Procedure Call) is a simple remote procedure call protocol encoded in JSON.
-You must call the API via HTTPS.+You must call the [[en:syces:api_hidden:rpcs| API]]  via HTTPS.
 +=== Usage ===
 +== Request ==
 +Clients need to send a request object to our server with 
 +the following properties:
 +  * jsonrpc: a string containing the JSON RPC version, currently "2.0"
 +  * method: a string with the name of the method to be invoked
 +  * params: an array of objects to be passed as parameters to the defined method
 +  * id: a unique string to match the response with the request that it is replying to
 +(could be a combination of sessionid + sequence)
 +== Response ==
 +the response object contains the following properties
 +  * jsonrpc: a string containing the JSON RPC version, currently "2.0"
 +  * result:  If no error occurred, the data returned by the invoked method. Else no result is sent.
 +  * error:  if there was an error,a specified error code, otherwise no error is sent.
 +  * id: the id of the request it is responding to
 === Authentication === === Authentication ===
 +You need to a valid token for any api call. It can be retrieved by calling the authenticate-method.
 +=== Examples ===
 +request { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "authenticateByRealm", "params": {"api_key": "231af78...", "realm": "clientdomain.de"}, "id": 1}\\
 +result for valid credentials { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "result": {"token": "0252rkcf5jm2rop8rtbnno4og5"}, "id": 1}\\
 +result for invalid credentials { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "code": 20, "error": {"message": "Invalid credentials."}, "id": 1}
 +=== Example using curl ===
 +curl -i -k -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "authenticateByRealm", "params": {"api_key": "abc...", "realm": "clientdomain"}, "id": 1}' 'https://host:port'
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