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en:syces:frontend:account:acreateorediteasy [2014/03/31 08:26]
en:syces:frontend:account:acreateorediteasy [2014/03/31 10:40] (current)
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 ^  Field      ^  Decription                                                                                                                                                                                                            ^ ^  Field      ^  Decription                                                                                                                                                                                                            ^
-| User name   | The user name consists of a given User name, @ and the domain name.(example : username@synergsystems.de). It will be used for loggin in.                                                                               |+| User name   | The user name consists of a given User name, @ and the domain name. (example : username@synergsystems.de). It will be used for logging in.                                                                               |
 | Tariff      | You can assign a tariff for your new hotspot users.                                                                                                                                                                    | | Tariff      | You can assign a tariff for your new hotspot users.                                                                                                                                                                    |
 | Last Name   | You can enter the user's name.                                                                                                                                                                                         | | Last Name   | You can enter the user's name.                                                                                                                                                                                         |
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-  * Password will be generated according to your given type (The Password field of the Client module ([[en:syces:frontend:client:client]]) in the section Access Identifier) . +  * Password will be generated according to your given type (The Password field of the Client module ([[en:syces:frontend:client:client]]) in the section Access Identifier). 
   * If a special password is used, the preferred language should be changed (for downloads),the validity of the account should be restricted or the location or new account (extended) is used to enter personal data of the customer.   * If a special password is used, the preferred language should be changed (for downloads),the validity of the account should be restricted or the location or new account (extended) is used to enter personal data of the customer.
-There are two link buttons **Account - Search** and **New Account (extended)**, top/below right corner of the screen which redirects to [[en:syces:frontend:account]] and [[en:syces:frontend:account:acreateoreditextended]] respectively.+There are two link buttons **Account - Search** and **New Account (extended)**, top / below right corner of the screen which redirects to [[en:syces:frontend:account]] and [[en:syces:frontend:account:acreateoreditextended]] respectively.
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