Group Action Module
For the moment there is only one action type, i.e. deactivate temporarily. This feature can be used to deactivate users for a certain time span, e.g. during an exam. Users won't have access to the Internet during the chosen time span. Deactivation periods will be kept visible at least as long as they are valid. Before and while the action is active it can be deleted to undo the restrictions. It is not possible to edit existing actions.
Group Action Overview
- You can delete group actions by clicking on the delete icon. This will undo the time restrictions for all group members that had been in the group at the time of creating the action. After deletion you will see the deleted actions with a status of 'deleted'. When you don't need this information any more you can delete it to remove it from the list.
- Outdated actions will be removed automatically from the list after a while.
New Group Action
Group actions are always performed for the current members. Therefore you can't create a new action for a group without members. If you add a new account to the group no past actions will be performed for this new group member. If you have deactivated a certain group and want to add another account to this group you have to manually deactivate the new account.
- Please enter a time period in the future.