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en:syces:frontend:account:group:groupaction [2014/07/28 11:57]
co [New Group Action]
en:syces:frontend:account:group:groupaction [2014/07/28 12:03] (current)
co [Group Action Overview]
Line 9: Line 9:
-  * You can delete group actions by clicking on the delete icon. This will undo the time restrictions.+  * You can delete group actions by clicking on the delete icon. This will undo the time restrictions for all group members that had been in the group at the time of creating the actionAfter deletion you will see the deleted actions with a status of 'deleted'. When you don't need this information any more you can delete it to remove it from the list. 
 +  * Outdated actions will be removed automatically from the list after a while. 
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