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en:syces:frontend:account [2014/03/27 13:38]
en:syces:frontend:account [2017/01/17 16:06] (current)
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 {{indexmenu_n>80}} {{indexmenu_n>80}}
 {{indexmenu>en:syces:frontend:account#1|js#drktheme navbar msort}} {{indexmenu>en:syces:frontend:account#1|js#drktheme navbar msort}}
-====== Account ====== +====== Account Module ======
-You can create accounts for your hotspot users.+
-  * You can create hotspot users for different locations. +===== Module Permission According to Roles (Sysadmin, Administrator and Assistant) =====
-  * Administrators and assistants both can create and edit accounts.+
 +^ Module    ^ Create          |  **Edit**                              **Show**              |  **Role**      |
 +| Account    YES            |  YES                                  |  YES                   | Sysadmin       |
 +| :::        YES            |  YES                                  |  YES                   | Administrator  |
 +| :::        YES            |  YES                                  |  YES                   | Assistant      |
 +===== Module Overview =====
 +  * You can create hotspot users for different locations.
 {{:de:syces:accountoverviewscreen1.png?nolink&800|}} {{:de:syces:accountoverviewscreen1.png?nolink&800|}}
-  * You can search customer's information based on //Type//, //User name//, //Last name//, //Tariff// and //Online//.+  * You can search your hotspot users based on //Type//, //User name//, //Last name//, //Tariff// and //Online//.
-  * You can see the basic information about your internet users. The internet users can download their account information/surf behaviour, login data / bill in their preferred language and delete their account.+^ Field      ^ Description                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 ^ 
 +| Type       You can search by different types, \\ Active : Only the online hotspot users. \\ Inactive : Only the offline hotspot users. \\ New : Only the new hotspot user's accounts which are not synchronized yet. \\ All : All types of hotspot accounts \\ Archived : Only the archived accounts. \\ Templates : Accounts marked as templates. | 
 +| User name  | You can search by login name.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               | 
 +| Last name  | You can search by last name.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                | 
 +| Tariff     | You can search accounts based on your tariff.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               | 
 +| Online     | You can see the accounts which are online or offline or both                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |
-  * If you see a sandbox in the first column, this means that some changes have not yet been completed, e.g. transferred to the radius database.  
-  * To enable an account you need to click on **amount** to mark it as **payed**. Some changes like a new location will be applied only for accounts with payed tariffs even if they are free of charge. To edit an account click on the username link. 
-  * There are two link buttons New Account (extended) and New Account (easy), below right corner of the screen which redirects to [[en:syces:frontend:account:acreateorediteasy]] and [[en:syces:frontend:account:acreateoreditextended]] respectively.+{{:de:syces:accountoverviewscreen2.png?nolink&800|}} 
 +<note important>If one hotspot user uses multiple devices, then the time will be summarized for all devices. </note> 
 +  * You can see the basic information about your hotspot users. The hotspot users can download their account information / surf behaviour, login data / bill in their preferred language and delete their account (Last column of the table). 
 +  * If you see a sandbox in the first column, this means that some changes have not yet been completed.  
 +  * To enable an account you need to click on **amount** to mark it as **payed**. Some changes like a new location will be applied only for accounts with payed tariffs even if they are free of charge. To edit an account click on the **User name** (First column of the table). This option depends on the Tariff check box of Walled garden of location module ([[en:syces:frontend:location:lcreateoredit]]). 
 +  * There are two link buttons New Account (extended) and New Account (easy), below right corner of the screen which redirects to [[en:syces:frontend:account:acreateorediteasy]] and [[[en:syces:frontend:account:acreateoreditextended]] respectively.
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