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en:syces:frontend:location:host [2014/03/25 12:55]
en:syces:frontend:location:host [2014/03/31 06:25] (current)
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 {{indexmenu>:en:syces:frontend:location#2|js#drktheme navbar msort}} {{indexmenu>:en:syces:frontend:location#2|js#drktheme navbar msort}}
-====== Host ====== +====== Host Module ====== 
-Here you will find the information about a host ([[en:syces:frontend:list_of_defination]]). + 
-  * By selecting any of the hosts(First column of the Table)you can edit the host ([[en:syces:frontend:location:host:create]]). +===== Module Permission According to Roles (SysadminAdministrator and Assistant===== 
-  * By selecting the **New Host**(First link of top right corner), you can create a new host ([[en:syces:frontend:location:host:create]]) for that location. + 
-  * By selecting the **Location Overview** (Second link of top right corner), you can see your all locations, cities, license and hosts information ([[en:syces:frontend:location]]).+ 
 +^ Module    ^ Create          |  **Edit**                             |  **Show**              |  **Role**      | 
 +| Host      |  YES            |  YES                                  |  YES                   | Sysadmin       | 
 +:::       |  YES            |  YES                                  |  YES                   | Administrator 
 +:::        NO              NO                                    YES                   | Assistant      | 
 +===== Module Overview ===== 
 +If you want to restrict user access to certain locations you have to define one or more hosts for your location. Thus not only the normal user credentials username / passwordwill be checkedbut also from where the user tries to connect. This is handled by a NAS identifier of your choice. 
 {{:en:syces:frontend:locationhostscreen.png?nolink&900|}} {{:en:syces:frontend:locationhostscreen.png?nolink&900|}}
 +  * By selecting any of the hosts (First column of the Table), you can edit the host ([[en:syces:frontend:location:host:hcreateoredit]]).
 +  * By selecting the **New Host** (First link of top right corner), you can create a new host ([[en:syces:frontend:location:host:hcreateoredit]]) for that location.
 +  * By selecting the **Location Overview** (Second link of top right corner), you can see your all locations, cities, license and hosts information ([[en:syces:frontend:location]]).
 ---- ----
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