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en:syces:frontend:location:host [2014/03/26 16:19]
en:syces:frontend:location:host [2014/03/31 06:25] (current)
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 {{indexmenu>:en:syces:frontend:location#2|js#drktheme navbar msort}} {{indexmenu>:en:syces:frontend:location#2|js#drktheme navbar msort}}
-====== Host ======+====== Host Module ====== 
 +===== Module Permission According to Roles (Sysadmin, Administrator and Assistant) ===== 
 +^ Module    ^ Create          |  **Edit**                              **Show**              |  **Role**      | 
 +| Host      |  YES            |  YES                                  |  YES                   | Sysadmin       | 
 +| :::        YES            |  YES                                  |  YES                   | Administrator 
 +| :::        NO              NO                                    YES                   | Assistant      | 
 +===== Module Overview ===== 
 If you want to restrict user access to certain locations you have to define one or more hosts for your location. Thus not only the normal user credentials ( username / password) will be checked, but also from where the user tries to connect. This is handled by a NAS identifier of your choice. If you want to restrict user access to certain locations you have to define one or more hosts for your location. Thus not only the normal user credentials ( username / password) will be checked, but also from where the user tries to connect. This is handled by a NAS identifier of your choice.
-  * By selecting any of the hosts (First column of the Table), you can edit the host ([[en:syces:frontend:location:host:create]]). +  * By selecting any of the hosts (First column of the Table), you can edit the host ([[en:syces:frontend:location:host:hcreateoredit]]). 
-  * By selecting the **New Host** (First link of top right corner), you can create a new host ([[en:syces:frontend:location:host:create]]) for that location.+  * By selecting the **New Host** (First link of top right corner), you can create a new host ([[en:syces:frontend:location:host:hcreateoredit]]) for that location.
   * By selecting the **Location Overview** (Second link of top right corner), you can see your all locations, cities, license and hosts information ([[en:syces:frontend:location]]).   * By selecting the **Location Overview** (Second link of top right corner), you can see your all locations, cities, license and hosts information ([[en:syces:frontend:location]]).
 ---- ----
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