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en:syces:frontend:location [2014/03/18 13:07]
muh created
en:syces:frontend:location [2014/03/31 10:14] (current)
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 {{indexmenu>:en:syces:frontend:location#2|js#drktheme navbar msort}} {{indexmenu>:en:syces:frontend:location#2|js#drktheme navbar msort}}
-====== Location ====== +====== Location Module ======
-====== Location Overview====== +===== Module Permission According to Roles (Sysadmin, Administrator and Assistant) ===== 
-The screen below which shows the locations, city names and hosts overview of a client.The Client could provide it's hotspot service to users in different locations. + 
-   * By selecting the green check button, the client can use the screen [[en:syces:frontend:account]] of the account.  + 
-   * By selecting location name, The client can use the 'Location Edit' screen(showed below) and can edit some informations about\\ the location. There is a button 'Show host' at the top right of the screen, the client can see hosts and allow hosts for getting access\\ to that location.+^ Module    ^ Create          |  **Edit**                              **Show**              |  **Role**      | 
 +Location   YES            |  YES                                  |  YES                   | Sysadmin       | 
 +| :::        NO              YES                                  |  YES                   | Administrator 
 +| :::        NO              NO                                    YES                   | Assistant      | 
 +===== Location overview ===== 
 +Here, you will find the information of your avaiable hotspot locations and their corresponding hosts ([[en:syces:frontend:list_of_definition]]) information. The screen below which shows your locations, city names and hosts ([[en:syces:frontend:list_of_definition]]) overview. You can provide your hotspots services to users in different locations. You can use more than one loactions for an account ([[en:syces:frontend:account:acreateoreditextended]]) and more than one hosts ([[en:syces:frontend:location:host]]) for location.
 {{:de:syces:locationmenuscreen.png?nolink&700|}} {{:de:syces:locationmenuscreen.png?nolink&700|}}
 +  * By selecting **location name**, you can use the screen ([[en:syces:frontend:location:lcreateoredit]]) and can edit some informations about the location. 
 +  * By selecting the **Overview** of a corresponding location, you can see the hosts ([[en:syces:frontend:list_of_definition]]) information ([[en:syces:frontend:location:host]]).\\
 ---- ----
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