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en:syces:frontend:tariff:tcreateoredit [2021/02/03 02:43]
admin [Fields]
en:syces:frontend:tariff:tcreateoredit [2021/02/03 02:53] (current)
admin [Tariff Screen]
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 {{:de:syces:newtariffmenuitem.png?nolink&600|}} {{:de:syces:newtariffmenuitem.png?nolink&600|}}
 +Be aware, if you choose a time or date tariff, the time and volume of all devices using the same account will be added. So if you have two devices online at the same time, your usable time is used twice as fast as normal.
 ==== Non-Restricted Tariffs ==== ==== Non-Restricted Tariffs ====
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 If you want a tariff without any time and volume restrictions, leave the "Runtime" and "Capacity" Field empty. If you want a tariff without any time and volume restrictions, leave the "Runtime" and "Capacity" Field empty.
 ==== Fields ==== ==== Fields ====
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