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en:syces:frontend:user [2014/03/18 13:11]
muh created
en:syces:frontend:user [2014/03/31 11:09] (current)
muh [Module Overview]
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 {{indexmenu>en:syces:frontend:user#1|js#drktheme navbar msort}} {{indexmenu>en:syces:frontend:user#1|js#drktheme navbar msort}}
-====== User ====== +====== User Module ======
-The client can give authorization to more than one person with the appropiate privilege(administrator or assistant), who handles the hotspot web application. The administrator has full permission for using all functionalities and assistant has some limitations.+
-====== User Overview  ====== +===== Module Permission According to Roles (Sysadmin, Administrator and Assistant) =====
-  * User acts as either administrator or assistant and they might have permission for handling all locations, might have less.User can be deleted or new user can be created [[user:new_assistant]]. +
 +^ Module    ^ Create          |  **Edit**                              **Show**              |  **Role**      |
 +| User      |  YES            |  YES                                  |  YES                   | Sysadmin       |
 +| :::        YES            |  YES                                  |  YES                   | Administrator  |
 +| :::        NO             | YES (Only own password and language)  |  Only own infromation  | Assistant      |
 +===== Module Overview =====
 +Administrator can give authorization to more than one person with the appropiate privilege (administrator / assistant), who will handle your frontend of hotspot solution. The administrator has full permission for using all functionalities and assistant has some limitations. 
 {{:de:syces:useroverviewscreen.png?nolink&700|}}  {{:de:syces:useroverviewscreen.png?nolink&700|}} 
 +  * You can create a user (Top right corner of the table) ([[en:syces:frontend:user:ucreateoredit]]). (Only administrators)
 +  * You can delete a user (last column of the table). (Only administrators)
 +  * You can change user's information by selecting the User name (First column of the table) ([[en:syces:frontend:user:ucreateoredit]]).  (Only administrators, but assistants can only change their password and language)
-  * User's information can be changed by selecting the **User name** [[user:new_assistant]].+ 
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