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en:syces:frontend:user [2014/03/31 10:22]
en:syces:frontend:user [2014/03/31 11:09] (current)
muh [Module Overview]
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 ===== Module Overview ===== ===== Module Overview =====
-Administrator can give authorization to more than one person with the appropiate privilege (administrator / assistant), who will handle your frontend of hotspot solution. The administrator has full permission for using all functionalities and assistant has some limitations. You can see in the section //"Module Permission According to Roles (Sysadmin, Administrator and Assistant)"// of [[en:syces:frontend]] for module permission.+Administrator can give authorization to more than one person with the appropiate privilege (administrator / assistant), who will handle your frontend of hotspot solution. The administrator has full permission for using all functionalities and assistant has some limitations. 
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   * You can create a user (Top right corner of the table) ([[en:syces:frontend:user:ucreateoredit]]). (Only administrators)   * You can create a user (Top right corner of the table) ([[en:syces:frontend:user:ucreateoredit]]). (Only administrators)
   * You can delete a user (last column of the table). (Only administrators)   * You can delete a user (last column of the table). (Only administrators)
-  * You can change user's information by selecting the User name (First column of the table) ([[en:syces:frontend:user:ucreateoredit]]).  (Only administrators, but assistants can only change their password and language )+  * You can change user's information by selecting the User name (First column of the table) ([[en:syces:frontend:user:ucreateoredit]]).  (Only administrators, but assistants can only change their password and language)
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