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en:syces:frontend:voucher [2014/03/24 12:16]
en:syces:frontend:voucher [2014/03/31 06:53] (current)
muh [Module Overview]
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 {{indexmenu_n>90}} {{indexmenu_n>90}}
 {{indexmenu>en:syces:frontend:voucher#1|js#drktheme navbar msort}} {{indexmenu>en:syces:frontend:voucher#1|js#drktheme navbar msort}}
-====== Voucher ======+====== Voucher Module ====== 
 +===== Module Permission According to Roles (Sysadmin, Administrator and Assistant) ===== 
 +^ Module    ^ Create          |  **Edit**                              **Show**              |  **Role**      | 
 +| Voucher    YES            |  NO                                    YES                   | Sysadmin       | 
 +| :::        YES            |  NO                                    YES                   | Administrator 
 +| :::        YES            |  NO                                    YES                   | Assistant      | 
 +===== Module Overview ===== 
 Vouchers are used to allow access to the Internet without asking personal information, i.e. a combination of username / password without knowing the actual user's name, address etc. There is also the advantage that more than 1 voucher can be created at one time. You may give a number up to 99 vouchers to be created in a time.\\ Vouchers are used to allow access to the Internet without asking personal information, i.e. a combination of username / password without knowing the actual user's name, address etc. There is also the advantage that more than 1 voucher can be created at one time. You may give a number up to 99 vouchers to be created in a time.\\
-You may choose different options to display existing vouchers, you can use different filtering options such as **Type**, **Tariff**, **Location** ande **Host**.+You may choose different options to display existing vouchers, you can use different filtering options such as **Type**, **Tariff**, **Location** and **Host**.
  {{:de:syces:the_voucher_menu_of_the_hotspot_application:voucheroverviewsearchscreen.png?nolink&700|}}  {{:de:syces:the_voucher_menu_of_the_hotspot_application:voucheroverviewsearchscreen.png?nolink&700|}}
-<note important>Vouchers can't be edited afterwards.</note>+<note important>Vouchers can't be edited afterwards. \\ If you delete vouchers, all the accounts which are belong to these vouchers, will be deleted after 10 minutes. </note>
   * The client can search vouchers based on //Type//, //Tariff//, //Location// and //Host//.   * The client can search vouchers based on //Type//, //Tariff//, //Location// and //Host//.
  {{:de:syces:voucheroverviewrecordscreen.png?nolink&700|}}  {{:de:syces:voucheroverviewrecordscreen.png?nolink&700|}}
-  * CSV list can be downloaded to get the access data using the first icon in the last column.+  * CSV list can be downloaded to get the access data (First icon in the last column). You can import this CSV file into different applications such as excel.
   * Voucher can be deleted using the second icon in the last column.   * Voucher can be deleted using the second icon in the last column.
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