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en:syces:frontend:voucher [2014/03/31 06:45]
en:syces:frontend:voucher [2014/03/31 06:53] (current)
muh [Module Overview]
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  {{:de:syces:the_voucher_menu_of_the_hotspot_application:voucheroverviewsearchscreen.png?nolink&700|}}  {{:de:syces:the_voucher_menu_of_the_hotspot_application:voucheroverviewsearchscreen.png?nolink&700|}}
-<note important>Vouchers can't be edited afterwards.</note>+<note important>Vouchers can't be edited afterwards. \\ If you delete vouchers, all the accounts which are belong to these vouchers, will be deleted after 10 minutes. </note>
   * The client can search vouchers based on //Type//, //Tariff//, //Location// and //Host//.   * The client can search vouchers based on //Type//, //Tariff//, //Location// and //Host//.
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