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en:syces:frontend [2014/03/24 11:56]
en:syces:frontend [2014/03/31 11:01] (current)
muh [Login]
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 ======  Frontend ====== ======  Frontend ======
-{{indexmenu>:en:syces:frontend#1|context msort nsort}} 
-The term **Frontend** is used to describe all modules(//Client//, //Location//, //User//, //Tariff//, //Account//, //Voucher//, //Analysis//) of hotspots solution.\\  
-By reading frontend section, You will know, +The term **Frontend** is used to describe the administration module.The frontend is used by three types of users according to their roles sysadminadministrator and assistant
-  How to create and edit your own information[ [[en:syces:frontend:client:client]] ] + 
-  * How to createedit and manage your hotspot locations[ [[en:syces:frontend:location]] ] +===== Sysadmin (Synergy Systems) ===== 
-  * How to create, edit and manage the accounts for your internal users. [ [[en:syces:frontend:user]] ] + 
-  * How to create, edit and manage tariffs[ [[en:syces:frontend:tariff]]  ] +Who will give you the authorization for using the frontend of hotspot solution, this is external user. 
-  * How to create, edit and manage the accounts for your internet users[ [[en:syces:frontend:account]] ] + 
-  * How to create vouchers for your internet users. [ [[en:syces:frontend:voucher]] ] +===== Administrator (Frontend user) ===== 
-  * How to observe the amount of usage data used by account(s) and voucher(s). [ [[en:syces:frontend:analysis:analysis]] ]+ 
 +Who will be responsible for your frontend with maximum access given by sysadmin. An administrator can create assistant and also another administrator
 +===== Assistant (Frontend user) ===== 
 +Who will aslo be responsible for your frontend with minimum access given by sysadminAn assistant has no right to create any user (Administrator / Assistant).  
 +===== Frontend Component =====
 +By reading frontend component, You will know,
 +^  Module                                  ^  Description                                                                                                     ^
 +| [[en:syces:frontend:client:client]]      | How to create, edit and manage your own information.                                                             |
 +| [[en:syces:frontend:location]]           | How to create, edit and manage your hotspots locations.                                                          |
 +| [[en:syces:frontend:user]]               | How to create, edit and manage the accounts for your frontend users ([[en:syces:frontend:list_of_definition]]).  |
 +| [[en:syces:frontend:tariff]]             | How to create, edit and manage tariffs.                                                                          |
 +| [[en:syces:frontend:account]]            | How to create, edit and manage the accounts for your hotspots users ([[en:syces:frontend:list_of_definition]]).  |
 +| [[en:syces:frontend:voucher]]            | How to create vouchers for your hotspots users.                                                                  |
 +| [[en:syces:frontend:analysis:analysis]]  | How to observe the amount of usage data used by account(s) and voucher(s).                                       |
-====== Login =====+===== Login =====
-This screen is provided for the Administrators and users to login into the hotspots solution.+
-  * To login into the hotspots solution, please enter the appropriate url into the web browser navigation bar. It provides a secure gateway for logining. 
-  * Please give your username and password. 
-  +  * To login into the administration frontend , please enter the appropriate url into the web browser navigation bar. It provides a secure gateway for logging in. 
-{{:de:syces:loginscreen.png?nolink&500|}}+  * Please give your username and password
 +<note>By clicking the header of a table, You can sort the rows of every table.</note>
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