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en:syces:frontend [2014/03/31 09:42]
en:syces:frontend [2014/03/31 11:01] (current)
muh [Login]
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 ===== Sysadmin (Synergy Systems) ===== ===== Sysadmin (Synergy Systems) =====
-Who will give you the authorization for using the frontend of hotspot solution, this is external user .+Who will give you the authorization for using the frontend of hotspot solution, this is external user.
 ===== Administrator (Frontend user) ===== ===== Administrator (Frontend user) =====
-Who will be responsible for your frontend with maximum access given by sysadmin. An administrator can create another administrator and assistant.+Who will be responsible for your frontend with maximum access given by sysadmin. An administrator can create assistant and also another administrator.
 ===== Assistant (Frontend user) ===== ===== Assistant (Frontend user) =====
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-  * To login into the administration frontend , please enter the appropriate url into the web browser navigation bar. It provides a secure gateway for loging in.+  * To login into the administration frontend , please enter the appropriate url into the web browser navigation bar. It provides a secure gateway for logging in.
   * Please give your username and password.    * Please give your username and password. 
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