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en:syces:gateway:aruba_hidden [2014/08/11 13:35]
tf Page name changed from en:syces:gateway:aruba to en:syces:gateway:aruba_hidden
en:syces:gateway:aruba_hidden [2014/09/04 15:29] (current)
Line 1: Line 1:
-In order to use Paypal the following domain names must be accessible:+For certain features like Paypal or Facebook authentication certain web pages must be accessible before the user gets authenticated.
-www.paypal.com+Best practice:
-api.paypal.com+1create an extra policy e.g.  P_www_free_access
-api-aa.paypal.com+**Configuration > Security > Access Control > Firewall Policies**
-api-aa.paypal.com+(destination:www_free_access, service svc-http, svc,https, action: permit)
-api-aa-3t.paypal.com+2add domain names (Rule Type: name) 
-notify.paypal.com+**Configuration > Advanced Services > Stateful Firewall > Destinations** 
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