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en:syces:gateway:migration_to_new_url [2024/06/26 13:18]
admin created
en:syces:gateway:migration_to_new_url [2024/06/27 08:31] (current)
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 ===== Migration to new URL ===== ===== Migration to new URL =====
-This is some text.+==== Background ==== 
 +As you may have noticed, the company [[https://bintec-elmeg.com/|Bintec Elmeg GmbH]] has gone bankrupt and has therefore stopped working on our common [[https://hotspot.bintec-elmeg.com| hot spot solution]]. \\ 
 +Disabling the URL //bintec-elmeg.com// will prevent the accessibility of the website as well as the functionality of the installed routers! Therefore we linked a new URL [[https://hotspot.syces.de]] to the webserver, providing access to the same database. \\ 
 +To ensure future functionality of the configured routers, this new URL must be configured on the devices. This page provides detailed instructions on how to do so. \\ \\ 
 +For more information and customer support, visit the website [[https://www.concat.de/partner/bintec-elmeg|Concat AG]]. 
 +==== Prerequisites ==== 
 +In order to change a configured router to the new URL, you need administrative access to said router. In the following the configuration is shown using the web interface of a Bintec router. \\ 
 +Additionally, you need to know the network configuration of your setup to gain access to the router through a preconfigured interface. Depending on your setup, you may need to address the router via a different IP address. 
 +== Step 1 == 
 +Call the router's web interface by entering the IP of the router in a browser of your choice on a device connected to the router. Depending on your router's configuration it might be easiest to plug in your device in a subnetwork of the router. 
 +== Step 2 == 
 +Log into the router's web interface using your credentials. \\ 
 +Hint: The default name of the user is //admin//. Next navigate to the menu //Local Services > HotSpot Gateway//
 +== Step 3 == 
 +Open the active hotspot gateway entry. Replace the domain "bintec-elmeg.com" by "syces.de" in every occurrence. \\ \\ 
 +The following image displays an example configuration before the migration: \\ 
 +{{:en:syces:gateway:url_migration_before.png?400|}} \\ 
 +The next image shows the same router with the new URL configured: \\ 
 +{{:en:syces:gateway:url_migration_after.png?400|}} \\ 
 +Please note that the client and location ID (numbers in the URL) of configured locations did not change and therefore need to be kept the same. \\ 
 +Since the remote authentication still works on the same web server, there is no need to adapt the RADIUS IP or secret! 
 +== Step 4 == 
 +Congratulations. You have successfully changed the router to call the new URL. \\ 
 +Please test, if a device logging into your network is redirected to the new URL like "https://hotspot.syces.de/11/1459/" and test the login. \\ \\ 
 +If your testing was successful, please log out of the router using the //exit and save configuration// function in the top right corner. \\ 
 +==== Troubleshooting ==== 
 +If you have problems migrating your router or if any unexpected behavior appears, please contact us via [[hotspot@concat.de]].
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