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en:syces:gateway:migration_to_new_url [2024/06/26 14:41]
en:syces:gateway:migration_to_new_url [2024/06/27 08:31] (current)
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 ==== Prerequisites ==== ==== Prerequisites ====
-In order to change a configured router to the new URL, you need administrative access to said router. In the following the configuration is shown using the web interface of a bintec router.+In order to change a configured router to the new URL, you need administrative access to said router. In the following the configuration is shown using the web interface of a Bintec router. \\ 
 +Additionally, you need to know the network configuration of your setup to gain access to the router through a preconfigured interface. Depending on your setup, you may need to address the router via a different IP address.
 == Step 1 == == Step 1 ==
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 == Step 2 == == Step 2 ==
-Log into the router's web interface using your credentials. Hint: The default name of the user is //admin//. Next navigate to the menu //Local Services > HotSpot Gateway//.+Log into the router's web interface using your credentials. \\ 
 +Hint: The default name of the user is //admin//. Next navigate to the menu //Local Services > HotSpot Gateway//.
 == Step 3 == == Step 3 ==
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 The next image shows the same router with the new URL configured: \\ The next image shows the same router with the new URL configured: \\
 {{:en:syces:gateway:url_migration_after.png?400|}} \\ {{:en:syces:gateway:url_migration_after.png?400|}} \\
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