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en:syces:hotspot_setup_bintec [2014/10/20 15:56]
en:syces:hotspot_setup_bintec [2020/12/31 07:53] (current)
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 ====== Setting up a bintec hotspot ====== ====== Setting up a bintec hotspot ======
 You will have to match your router configuration with your syces configuration.  You will have to match your router configuration with your syces configuration. 
 +====== Re-Authenticaition with MAC-Address ======
 +To Re-Authenticate the User by using the MAC-Adress you need to modify the Walled-Garden URL of the hotspot.
 +Add the marked Part to the end of the Walled-Garden Address:
 ====== Standard Setup versus Self Ticketing ====== ====== Standard Setup versus Self Ticketing ======
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