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en:syces:releasenotes [2016/08/18 08:30]
en:syces:releasenotes [2019/03/18 05:56] (current)
bb [Version 1.34.4]
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 ====== Release Notes ====== ====== Release Notes ======
 +===== Version 1.34.4 =====
 +  * Feature: It is now possible to declare a separate Privacy Policy File. If no exists, the normal Terms and Conditions File will be presented
 +===== Version 1.34.3 =====
 +  * Bugfix: User that are only allowed to access a single location could not see accounts
 +===== Version 1.34.2 =====
 +  * Accounts can now be deleted and archived
 +  * changed some texts for the selfservice portal
 +===== Version 1.34.1 =====
 +  * License Reminder Mails will be sent 3 Month before the License expires (addidtional to the old reminders)
 +===== Version 1.34 =====
 +  * New license types: unlimited licenses and secure hotspot licenses
 +  * minor changes like more help buttons 
 +  * remark field for location
 +  * New feature Options (internal use, for sysadmins only)
 +===== Version 1.33.1 =====
 +  * New feature: mark accounts as templates and use them for creating new accounts
 +===== Version 1.33 =====
 +  * Integration of second sms provider lox24
 +  * bugfix backend: account credentials sent per SMS were not sent in English when this option was checked
 +===== Version 1.32.10 =====
 +  * bugfix self-ticketing: login without password worked only for accounts, but not for vouchers
 +===== Version 1.32.9  =====
 +  * bugfix: temporarily deactivated accounts didn't get activated again
 +===== Version 1.32.8  =====
 +  * Upgrade to Facebook Graph API v2.8, because current Version v2.1 will reach the end of its 2-year lifetime on 30 October, 2016.
 +===== Version 1.32.7  =====
 +  * bugfix: Problems with PayPal were fixed
 +===== Version 1.32.6  =====
 +  * Terms and Conditions location specific and / or language specific
 +===== Version 1.32.5  =====
 +  * SYCES API: validity of token: 1 hour, bugfixes
 +===== Version 1.32.4  =====
 +  * SYCES API: new parameter for type of username (dateTime or numeric) 
 ===== Version 1.32.3  ===== ===== Version 1.32.3  =====
   * bugfix for filemanager: renaming of second level directories didn't work correctly   * bugfix for filemanager: renaming of second level directories didn't work correctly
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