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 ====== Syces ====== ====== Syces ======
-Syces is a web based solution for hotspots.+Syces is a cloud based managing system for Secure Hotspot solution. It enables you to offer fast, reliable internet access to your hotspot users ([[en:syces:frontend:list_of_definition]]) and works regardless of the LAN / WLAN infrastructure. Mobile devices gain access to the local network via WLAN-Access-Points and desktop  computers are connected by LAN-cable. 
 +It provides all functions and components to ensure performance, availability and security,  
 +  * Radius based authentication. 
 +  * Web based administration. 
 +  * Highly configurable.   
 +  * Data storage in accordance with law. 
 +===== Hotspots ===== 
 +**Hotspots** are sites that provide internet access in public places, especially for devices such as laptop, smartphones etc. People may use their own devices to connect to the internet. 
 +When an unauthenticated user tries to 
 +connect to the Internet, a router redirects the Web-Browser to the start page, 
 +where the user may log in or register (If required, the hotspot users have to pay before accessing the internet). 
 +The access is blocked when the quota is exhausted.  
 +===== Components of Syces =====  
 +Syces comprises three components,\\ 
 +^  Component              Description                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   ^ 
 +| [[en:syces:frontend]]  | Web based administration frontend. Here you will find information on how to create / edit / manage accounts for frontend users ([[en:syces:frontend:list_of_definition]]) and hotspot users ([[en:syces:frontend:list_of_definition]]), how to create vouchers for hotspot users,  how to define individual tariffs and how to get statistical data. The Modules Client, Location, User, Tariff, Account, Voucher and Analysis are described to give you a clear overview and guideline so that you can handle your frontend of hotspot solution by yourself. 
 +| Gateway                | In this component, you will find the information about all gateways used by the hotspot solution.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              | 
 +| Self Service Portal    | In this component, you will find the information about your self service such login page, customize page and self-ticketing page for your hotspot users                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      | 
-===== Hotspot ===== 
-**Hotspots** are the wireless access points, which provide internet access to the devices such as laptop, smartphones etc. of the end users in public places. People can take their devices and can connect to the internet. 
-===== Web Based Solution For Hotspots ===== 
-**Web Based Solution For Hotspots** is used to manage your internal users, your hotspot locations and corresponding internet users. It can also analyze the amount of usage data used by the internet users. 
-===== Documentation Of Web Based Solution For Hotspots ===== 
-The documentation is divided into three sections,\\ 
-^  Section                Description                                                                                                                                                                                                                  ^ 
-| [[en:syces:frontend]]  | In this section, you will find the information that how to create/edit/manage accounts for your users and internet users, how to create vouchers for internet users and how to analyze your usage data used by internet users. Modules such as Client, Location, User, Tariff, Account, Voucher and Analysis, are descibed to give you a clear overview or guideline so that you can handle your hotspot solution by yourself.  | 
-| Gateway                | In this section, you will find the information about all gateways used by the hotspot solution.                                                                                                                            | 
-| Self Service Portal    | In this section, you will find the information about your self service such login page, customize page and self-ticketing page for your internet users.                                                                             | 
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