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Create/Edit Account(Extended)

You can create an account with the personal information of an internet user.

Field Description
User name You have to give a username and every username will be registered under your unique domain. Your interent users will be identified using your domain name.
Password The password fields should be filled up, if the fields are empty then one password is generated according to the entries under Client Module.
Tariff You have to choose a tariff for your users.
Valid from and Valid until
Location You have to choose at least one location for every account.
SSID The SSID is optional and is printed on the ticket.
Access extend If the internet users wishe to extend their account, you can select the check box and save it. The account will be extended.
Title, First name, Last name, Room, Addition and E-Mail Basic information of your internet users.
data sheet By default, The data sheet (all downloads for user) is printed in the local language, but client can choose english for the customers.

There are two link buttons Account - Search and New Account (easy), top/below right corner of the screen which redirects to Account Module and Create/Edit Account(Easy) respectively.

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