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Upload Manager

The upload manager is basically meant to allow the upload of custom layout templates to all locations or specific locations. In order to use uploaded templates you need to activate Layout:custom for the corresponding locations and vice versa. (See Client Module > smstrade credentials)

Left part of screen: Basic File Manager

On the left part of the screen you find a view of your home directory. Here you can perform some basic tasks:

With a left mouse-click on the directory name it will expand or close.

With a right mouse-click you open the context menu to choose one of the following options:

  • add directories to your home directory,
  • add, rename and delete subdirectories of your home directory,
  • delete, download and rename files and
  • unzip zip-files
    • to current directory
    • to directory for all locations (unpacked in folder 'captiveportal' which will be created if necessary)
    • to directory of current location (into folder captiveportal/location number, both being created if necessary)

Right part of screen: Upload form

On the right part of the screen you may upload one or more files to any directory within your Home directory. There is a restriction of currently 10 MB total upload volume not including the logo image, your Terms and Conditions and PDF and CSV files containing user credentials.

You may upload files with the following data types: html, tpl, css, png, jpg, jpeg, gif, zip.

Directory Structure for Custom Layout Templates

Custom layout templates always reside in a folder called 'captiveportal'. If you need to distinguish templates for different locations you have to add subfolders for these locations and upload the template there. Name the folder like the last number that you can see in the corresponding walled garden page link. ( Walled Garden (https://.../../190/)). Location specific templates supersede general templates.

Home/captiveportal: custom template valid for all locations (if custom templates are activated)
Home/captiveportal/111: custom template valid only for location 111
Home/captiveportal/112: custom template valid only for location 112

Please make sure that the template name is hotspot.tpl and all references like images within hotspot.tpl are preceded by {TPLDIR}. For further information please see Custom Templates (not for Default Free Service)

Directory Structure for SMS Templates

SMS templates always reside in a folder called sms. They must be called sms.tpl or sms-<location number>.tpl, if you want them for specific locations only. If you want to distinguish between languages, create language subfolders like Home/sms/it for italian or Home/sms/pt for portuguese.

For creating sms templates see SMS.

Home/sms/sms.tpl: valid for all locations and languages if not superseded by more specific templates
Home/sms/sms-111.tpl: valid only for location 111
Home/sms/it/sms-111.tpl: valid only for location 111 and italian language

When no appropriate template can be found the default template is used.

For testing create a language subfolder (de, en, it, fr, pt, nl, es) that will probably not be needed and place your template there, then use the preview option in Preview SMS. When you don't need it anymore just delete the template or rename the folder
QR Code
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