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The term Frontend is used to describe the administration modules.The frontend is used by three types of people according to their roles sysadmin, administrator and assistant.


Who will give you the authorization for using the frontend of hotspot solution, this is external user (Synergy System).


Who will be responsible for your frontend with maximum access given by sysadmin. An administrator can create another administrator and assistant. This is your frontend user (Keyword Definition).


Who will aslo be responsible for your frontend with minimum access given by sysadmin. An assistant has no right to create any user (Administrator / Assistant). This is also your frontend user.

Frontend Component

By reading frontend component, You will know,

Module Description
Client Module How to create, edit and manage your own information.
Location Module How to create, edit and manage your hotspots locations.
User Module How to create, edit and manage the accounts for your frontend users (Keyword Definition).
Tariff Module How to create, edit and manage tariffs.
Account Module How to create, edit and manage the accounts for your hotspots users (Keyword Definition).
Voucher Module How to create vouchers for your hotspots users.
Analysis Module How to observe the amount of usage data used by account(s) and voucher(s).

Module Permission According to Roles (Sysadmin, Administrator and Assistant)

Module Create Edit Show Role
Client YES YES YES Sysadmin
NO YES YES Administrator
NO NO YES Assistant
Location YES YES YES Sysadmin
NO YES YES Administrator
NO NO YES Assistant
Host YES YES YES Sysadmin
YES YES YES Administrator
NO NO YES Assistant
User YES YES YES Sysadmin
YES YES YES Administrator
NO YES (Only own password and language) Only own infromation Assistant
Tariff YES YES YES Sysadmin
YES YES YES Administrator
NO NO YES Assistant
Account YES YES YES Sysadmin
YES YES YES Administrator
YES YES YES Assistant
Voucher YES NO YES Sysadmin
YES NO YES Administrator
YES NO YES Assistant
Analysis Data Analysis Sysadmin
Data Analysis Administrator
Data Analysis Assistant


  • To login into your frontend of hotspots solution, please enter the appropriate url into the web browser navigation bar. It provides a secure gateway for logining.
  • Please give your username and password.
By clicking the headers of a table, You can sort the rows of every table of the frontend of hostpot solution

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